Arkiv för
paulo coelho

6 april

Pirate bays promo-sajt har lockat 5 000 artister

Pirate bay har de senaste månaderna lånat ut sin förstasida till artister som vill få en gratis push för deras musik.
Promo bay, kallar de det och Ajour skrev om satsningen tidigare i år.
Nu säger Pirate bay till Torrent freak att responsen hittills har varit bättre än förväntat. Över 5 000 har hört av sig. De flesta män (95 procent) och nästan samtliga musiker (90 procent).
Först ut var författaren Paulo Coelho, men sedan har en rad oetablerade artister varit med. Torrentfreak skriver:
“Thus far we’ve done 14 regular campaigns in 3 countries each and 8 worldwide promotions,” Pirate Bay’s Winston told TorrentFreak, who added that the initial plan has changed a bit due to the massive success.
“When we started the project the plan was to do a few worldwide promotions a year, but the submissions have been too good. So now we’re gonna do the worldwide promos every weekend and some regulars every now and then.”
For the artists the promotion campaigns are paying off as well. George Barnett added 4,000 new Facebook fans during the campaign and his video was viewed 85,000 times in total. And Tomás Vergara, the maker of short film The Chase, got 250,000 views of his video in just three days.”
Läs mer på Torrentfreak